Are you into double dating?

Double dating seems to be the latest thing around London, says Angela from Croydon escorts. I don’t know why the idea has got to be so popular all of a sudden, but it seems that the idea may have come in from the United States. Several of my friends at various Croydon escorts agencies have been on double dates. Some of them have had a great time, others have not enjoyed their dates at all. I haven’t tried double dating yet and I am not so sure if it is for me to be perfectly honest. But then again, I suppose I should not say never say never.

I can see a lot of dangers in double dating, says Angela from Croydon escorts. I would not encourage any of the girls who work for our Croydon escorts agency to go on double dates. Perhaps the gents are nice, but then again you can come across some people that are less than nice. I would not want to come up against any chaps who are a bit funny, or have peculiar ideas about dating. As a matter of fact, I think that a lot of agencies will not accept double dating unless it for business dinners with gents who have are proper gents.

Of course, double dating should not be confused with duo dating. Lots of Croydon escorts agencies supply duo dating teams. This means that the gent gets the opportunity to date two hot ladies at the same time. This is a rather popular services from a lot of Croydon escorts agencies, but it does not mean that two escorts go out with two gents, or the gents visit them on an incall. I think it is important to point this out as I think that a lot of gents may become confused.

My favorite way of dating as part of Croydon escorts, is still on an one-on-one basis. That to most Croydon escorts means that you just date one gent at a time. I think that this is the best way of dating, and that you should not try to make dating to complicated. When you are on a single date with one gent, it is easier to get to know each other and you don’t run the risk of getting carried away. I think that a lot of new ideas sound great but they are not good in practice. Double dating is one of those dating styles.

I know that most Croydon escorts agencies are trying to adopt new ideas, says Angela. The problem is that a lot of Croydon escorts in the center of town, only date foreign gents. Sometimes we don’t know them at all and it is important to be careful. I think that some ideas coming from the United States are good, others are not so good. This is one idea that I don’t really like, and I cannot see the owner of our agency going for the idea at all, says Angela and smiles.

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Quote of the day

All you need is love.
John Lennon