Foods to eat for weight loss

Now that the summer is almost here, I know that many of my friends at Gatwick escorts are keen to lose some weight. It is not very hard to lose weight. Most of the time it is about the right kind of exercise and I love to exercise. But, it is not only about exercising, it is about eating right as well. There are some foods which are better for you than others and I am sure that many people would lose at least a little bit of weight by eating better.

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Apples are my number one go to weight loss food. Some of the girls here at Gatwick escorts are not with me on this one, but I know that apples can help to lose weight. Personally I eat two apples per day and I think it helps me to stay slim. Not only that, but apples can give you great skin as well. I love the fact that pectin in apples can help you to get rid of your wrinkles, and I am sure that a lot of other ladies should try.


Sweet potatoes are good for weight loss as well. They contain a lot less carbs than normal potatoes and are therefore easier to digest. As a matter of fact, I have given up on eating normal white potatoes and I now only eat sweet potatoes. It has helped me to lose loads of weight and at the same time I think that my energy levels have been boosted as well. You really can eat for better health if you watch what you eat.


Bananas are very good for weight loss. Some of the girls here at Gatwick escorts believe that bananas will make you gain weight but that is not true at all. They are really rich in potassium and that is a great when it comes to digesting food. I eat a banana every day and I know that I get energy from my banana. The girls who do the nightshift at Gatwick escorts often get hungry during the night and I tell them to eat a banana instead of snacking on chocolate. It is easy to reach for a chocolate bar but at the same time, it can make you tired. I always try to stay away from chocolate, but I do eat dark chocolate on occasion.


Losing weight can be both challenging and fun. Most people find losing belly fat the most difficult part. Belly fat can be a real problem for a lot of people and it is always very dangerous as it is associated with diabetes type 2. My boyfriend has a bit of belly fat and I am trying to make sure that he loses it. He is a great snacker and as my colleagues at Gatwick escorts know, he cannot resist a bit of cake. On top of that, my boyfriend also likes his beer and that is another thing which is really bad for belly fat. But, that is a completely different story…

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You don't need anybody to tell you who you are or what you are. You are what you are!
John Lennon